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38 Female Poets

Simone Bodève (1876-1921) - bio-notes and translation of her novel La Petite Lotte

List of Books some with links

Updated July 29, 2023

Simone Bodève (France 1876-1921) - biographical notes and translation of her novel La Petite Lotte by Dominique Hoffman

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Bohemian Library - my books

updated: April 2022
Clicking on the author's name will take you to their weppage or wikipedia.

ISO language codes:
EN - English
CZE - Czech
DE - German
FRA - French
SPA Spanish
GLE - Irish

01 - novel
02 - short story
03 - non fiction
04 - biography, diary, memoirs
05 - handbook, dictionary
06 - poetry
07 - music scores, photos, audio
08 -plays

a photo illustrations
b drawings or maps illustrations
c anthology


EN01 Jane Austen - Sense and Sensibility
EN01 Isabel Allende - portrait in Sepia
EN04 George Allagiah m- A Home from Home (2006)
EN01 Chinua Achebe - Things fall apart
EN02bc Arabian Nights
EN02c Hans Christian Andersen Fairy Tales
EN01 Margery Allingham - Dancers in Mourning
EN01 Louisa May Allcott - Little Women
EN04 Maya Angelou - I know why the caged bird sings
EN04a David Attenborough - Life on Earth
EN04a Anne Alcock - The Love of Horses
EN06c Simon Armitage - Cloud Cuckooland
EN02bc Aesop's Fables - A Mouse's Wedding, A Fox and Grapes, An Ant and a Dove
EN05 Peter A Angeles - Philosophy (1992)
EN04a Max Arthur - Forgotten Voices of the Great War (2002)
EN05 Cedric Astle - How Good is Your English? (1959)
EN02b Rev W. Audry - Thomas the Tank Engine
EN04a Aperture Foundation : photographs by Robert Capa


EN01 Simone Bodève : Petite lotte (La Petite Lotte) (translated by Dominique Hoffman)
EN05ab British Foreign and Commonwealth Office : Life in the United Kingdom
EN05 A&C Black (publ.) : The Writers and Artists Yearbook
EN06 Robert Burns : Selected Poems
EN01 Heinrich Böll : The Train was on time (der Zug war pünktlich)

EN05 Berlitz : Czech Phrase Book and dictionary (online)
EN02c Mary Beckett : A Belfast Woman
EN04b John Bradbury : Celebrated Citizens of Belfast
EN04 Jean Dominique Bauby : The Diving Bell and the Butterfly
EN05b David Brown: Draw Cats
EN04 Bill Bryson : A short history of nearly everything
EN05 Ralph Berry - How to Write a Research Paper
EN04a Philip Beck - Oradour, Village of the Dead
EN06c David Arthur Bray - Terms of Thoughts
EN01 Anita Brookner - Hotel du Lac (1984)
EN02c Maeve Binchy - The Lilac Bus (1984)
EN01 Colin Bateman - Running with the Reservoir Pups (2003)
EN05a Steve Bavister - Pentax - Zoom into Better Photos
EN /SPA 02 Jorge Luis Borges - Emma Zunz
EN04b Richard Brassey - The Story of London
EN05ab Jonathan Bardon - A Shorter Illustrated Story of Ulster
EN01b J.M. Barrie - Peter Pan in the Gardens of Kensington
EN 02 Dermot Bolger - The Journey Home


EN01 A.J. Cronin : Beyond this place
EN01 A.J. Cronin : The Citadel
EN01 A.J. Cronin : The Northern Light
FRA01 A.J. Cronin : The Stars look down
EN02c Sir Arthur Conan Doyle : The Complete Sherlock Holmes
EN 02 Karel Čapek - The Shirts (from Povídky z druhé kapsy)(Hutchinson & Co)
CZE04 K. Čapek: Why I am not a Communist (Proč Nejsem Komunistou) Martin Pokorny
EN02c Agatha Christie : The Hound of Death and other stories
EN02c Brian Cleeve : The Horse Thieves of Ballysaggert and other stories (1966)
EN06c Lord David Cecil (editor) : The English Poets
EN05 Cennino Cennini : The Craftman Handbook (Il Libro dell' Arte)
EN05 The Collins-Spurrell Welsh dictionary
EN04 Aileen Mary Clegg - Saint Bernadette
EN08 Anton Chekhov - The Cherry Orchard (1904)
EN02 Anton Chekhov - The Kiss
EN03 Quentin Crisp - The Naked Civil Servant (1968)
EN02 Joseph Conrad - The Black Mate
EN02 Joseph Conrad - the Secret Sharer
EN04ab Brian Cox - Wonder of the Universe


EN04b Jenny de Gex (ed) : So many sweet Flowers -paintings by Johann Walther
EN05 W.N. and Margaret Dixon : To Test your knowledge
EN01a Antoine de Saint-Exupery : The little prince (le petit prince) (Irene Testot-Ferry)
CZE01a Antoine de Saint-Exupery : Malý Princ (le Petit Prince)
SPA 01a Antoine de Saint-Exupery - El Principito (Le Petit Prince)
GLE01a Antoine de Saint-Exupery -An Prionsa Béag (Le Petit Prince)(Brendan O'Doibhlin)
EN04a John Downer : Lifesense
EN04b Francesco da Mosto : Francesco's Italy
EN01 Mazo de la Roche : Return to Jalna (1948)
EN03b Marlene Dietrich - My Life (Mein Leben) (Salvator Attanasio)
EN04 Alain de Botton - The Pleasures and Sorrow of Work (2009)
EN04 Derren Brown - Confession of a Conjuror (2010)
EN04 Janina David - A Square of Sky (1966)
EN04b Eveline de Jong - The Bilingual Experience (1986)
EN02a Jean de Brunhoff - Story of Babar
EN03c Daphne du Maurier - The Birds and Other Stories


EN03b Karel Jarormír Erben , Božena Nemcova - Czech Fairytales (Vitalis, Český Těšín, 2005) illustrated by Karel Hruška, (Renata Pešková) CZE03a Karel Jarormír Erben: Zlatovláska a jiné pohádky (Vydala Agentura CESTY Český Těšín, ilustrace: Artuš Scheiner
EN04 Barbara Ehrenreich : Nickled and Dimed
EN04 Barbara Ehrenreich: Smile or Die
EN05 English-Russian Dictionary - online translator
EN02 Anne Enright - Men and Angels


EN01 F Scott Fitzgerald : The Great Gatsby (1925)

EN04b Anne Frank : Diary of a young girl (1942-1944)
EN05 ENDEU06c Leonard Forster : The Penguin Book of German Verse (German/English)

EN05a H.A.L. Fisher : A History of Europe (1938)
EN-ulster06c James Fenton - Thonner An Thon, an Ulster-Scots Collection
EN04b Kate Forde - Death, A Picture Album (2012)
EN02 E.M. Forster - The Celestial Omnibus
EN02 E.M. Forster - The Machine Stops
EN04b Brian Fleming - The Vatican Pimpernel
DEU02 Theodor Fontane - Unterm Birnbaum


EN01 Martha Gellhorn : A Stricken Field (Jonathan Cape, London 1942) EN01 Nadine Gordimer - The Conservationist
EN01 Walter Greenwood : Love on the Dole (1933)
EN05abc Guardian Weekend Magazine : 10 Years that changed everything
ENb Charles M. Garnier : Legends of Ireland (1968)

EN01 Graham Greene : The Power and the Glory (1940)
EN04 G.E.R. Gedye : Introducing Austria
EN03 John Kenneth Galbraith: The Culture of Contentment (1992)
EN05 Geddes and Grosset (ed) : The Essential English Dictionary
EN05 Geddes and Grosset - German English Dictionary
EN05 Geddes and Grosset (Publ) - English and Italian dictionary
EN-SPA02 Gabriel Garcia Márquez - Monólogo de Isabel / Isabel's Monologue


EN-CZE08 Václav Havel - Občan Vaněk/Citizen Vaněk ( Jan Novák 2009)
EN08 Václav Havel: The increasing difficulty of concentration (Ztížend Moznost Soustředění) (Vera Blackwell) (Jonathan Cape, London 1972) EN Václav Havel - The Memorandum (Vera Blackwell) 1970 Martin Esslin (editor) -
EN01a Jaroslav Hašek - The Good Soldier Švejk (Osudy dobrého vojáka Švejka za světové války) illustrated by Josef Lada translated by Cecil Parrott (Penguin Books London 1973)
EN08 Julius Hay (Gyula Hay) : The Horse (introduced by Martin Esslin)
EN01 James Hilton : Goodbye Mr Chips
EN06c Matthew Harvey: Curtains and Other Material
FR01 Dominique Hoffman - Bohemian Tales
EN03 Ernest Hemingway : Paris, ein Fest fürs Leben (A moveable feast)
EN01 Ernest Hemingway : For whom the bell tolls EN01 Ernest Hemingway : Islands in the stream
EN01 Ernest Hemingway - A Farewell to Arms
EN02c Ernest Hemingway : - The Snows of Kilimanjaro and Other Stories
EN02 Ernest Hemingway : - In Another Country
EN03b Belinda Hollyer : Votes for Women
EN04b Brian Hughes - Ireland Cities - Belfast (1991)
EN06c Christopher Hurford (editor) - The Anthology of Popular Verse
EN04 Ronald J. Hill - Soviet Politics
EN05 - Hugo's Simplified System - Swedish Self-tuition in Three Months
EN05 Hugo's Spanish Verbs simplified (1970)
EN01 Barry Hines - A Kestrel for a Knave (1968)
EN03c Lafcadio Hearn - Some Chinese Ghosts (1887)
EN04 Simon Hoggart - A Long Lunch (2011)
EN05a - Lorraine Horsley - Inventors (2005)


EN06c Zofia Ilinska : Horoscope of the Moon


EN01 Zdeněk Jirotka : Saturnin - Norbert Chotas (Artia Prague CSSR 1959)
EN-CZE03c Jerome K Jerome - Výběr z Povídek (Selected Stories) Veronika Volhejnová
ESP06c Juan Ramon Jimenez - Antologia Poetica
EN 02 Jennifer Johnston - The Christmas Tree


EN03c Franz Kafka - Wedding Preparations in the Country (Hochzeitsvorbereitungen auf dem Lande Translated by:Ernst Kaiser/Eithne Wilkins (Schocken 1953/Penguin Edition)
EN08c Krzysztof Kieslowski Decalogue
EN04 Jon Krakauer : Under the Banner of Heaven
EN04 Naomi Klein : The Shock Doctrine
EN04 Peter Krajči - Prague 1891-1941 architecture and design ( Edinburgh 1995)
EN01 Ivan Klíma - My Golden Trades (Moje zlata ŕemesla) (Paul Wilson) 1998
EN01 Hans Helmut Kirst : Death plays the last card(die Letzte Karte spielt der Tod)1967 (J. Maxwell Brownjohn)
EN01a Tetsuko Kuroyangi : Totto-Chan - the Little Girl at the Window (1981)
EN04 Gustav Krist - Alone through the Forbidden Land (1937)
EN04 Martin Luther King - I have a Dream (1963)
EN02 Molly Keane - Good Behaviour


EN04ab L.C. Latham: From Flints to Printing
EN01 Harper Lee - To Kill a Mockingbird

EN01 Lermontov - A Hero of our Time (1840)
EN04 Patrick Leigh-Fermor - A Lifetime of Gifts (1977)
EN04a Gillian Lutton/John Hill - My Lagan Love
EN02 Mary Lavin - Happiness


EN01 René Maran - Batouala (translated by Barbara Beck and Alexandre Mboukou)
ESP06c Antonio Machado - Poesías Completas
GLE05a John Murphy : Leabhar Beag Cocaireachta Eireannach (Liam Mac Coil)
EN06c Gaby Morgan (ed.) : Read Me - A poem a day for the National Year of Reading
CZE01 Ladislav Mňačko - Jak chutna moc Czech Gustav Hajčik/Zdeněk Koňák 1990
EN05a Dr Kwame McKenzie : Understanding Depression
EN02 Andrew Matthews/Tony Ross: Hamlet - A Shakespeare Story
EN8 Slawomir Mrozek : Tango
EN01 Gerry McCullough: Johnny McClintock's War
EN02 Gerry McCullough - Irish Roots
EN03c John Stuart Mill : Utilitarianism
DEU04 Toni Mueller : Donau Tagebuch
EN05 Christopher Moriarty - A Guide to Irish Birds
EN04 Grace Maxwell : Falling and Laughing - the Restoration of Edwyn Collins
EN05 Liz McNeill-Taylor - Living Alone - A Woman's Guide (1987)
EN01 Yann Martel - Life of Pi (2001)
EN02 Katherine Mansfield - The Daughters of the Late Colonel
EN02 Katherine Mansfield - Taking the Veil
EN02a Adria Meserve - Don't kick a fuss, Gus!
EN01a A.A. Milne - Winnie the Pooh
EN02 Gerardine Meaney - Counterpoint


ESP06c Pablo Neruda - Veinte Poemas de Amor y una canción desesperada (1924)
EN03ac Karel Jarormír Erben, Božena Nemcova - Czech Fairytales (Vitalis, Český Těšín, 2005) illustrated by Karel Hruška, translated by Renata Pešková)
EN04 Jaromir Navratil (Editor) - The Prague Spring 1968 (Central European University Press, Budapest Hungary 1998)
Russian04a F. Nimenov - Novie Kvastalie (New Blocks)


EN04 Barack Obama : The Audacity of Hope (2006)
EN02ac Eileen O'Faolain (editor) : Irish Saga and Folk tales
CZE-Russian05 Georgij Ovsjannikov - psychologie Cesko-Ruský Slovník (Univerzita Karlova v Praze, Fakulta Filozoficka 1983)
EN03 Otakar Odlozilik: Two reformation leaders of the Unitas Fratrum (pdfjstor)
EN01a Mary O'Hara/Charles Tunnycliffe - My Friend Flicka
EN04 Roland Oliver & JD Page - A Short History of Africa
DEU04 Sean O'Casey : Ich klopfe an - (I knock at the door)
EN05 The Observer Book of Films
EN04 Fintan O'Toole - A Traitor's Kiss - The Life of Richard Brinsley Sheridan (1997)
EN01 Ardal O'Hanlon - The Talk of the Town (1998)
EN02 Juan Carlos Onetti - Bienvenido Bob/ Welcome Bob
EN02 Edna O'Brien - What a Sky
EN02 Joseph O'Connor - Mothers Were All the Same
EN02 Bridget O'Connor - Postcards


EN04 Edith Pargeter - The Coast of Bohemia (1950)
EN01 Michael Palin Hemingway's Chair
EN04b Michael Palin: New Europe
EN04* Michael Palin: Hemingway Adventure
EN04* John Pilger : Freedom next Time (2006)
DEU01 Alexander Peregudov: Die Porzellanstadt
EN04* Josef Prošek: Československo, photographs by Ota Klein (Orbis Praha 1964)
EN05 Judy Parkinson: e before i (except after c)
EN-Swahili 05 D.V. Perrott - Swahili and English dictionary with a short grammar
Slovak Giacomo Puccini - Bohéma (libretto)
EN04 Jim Patton, Jack Johnston - D'ye mind the Time.... - memories of East Belfast
EN04 Samuel Pepys - the Diary Nov. 1666- May 1667
EN06c W. Peacock (editor) - English Verse from Longfellow to Rupert Brooke (1931)
EN01 Charlotte Perkins-Gilman - The Yellow Wallpaper


EN01 John Quigley : To Remember with tears


EN06c Irina Ratuschinskaya : Dance with a shadow (1992) (David McDuff)

EN02c Rainer Maria Rilke - Two stories of Prag(Zwei Geschichten aus Prag) (translated by Angela Esterhammer) University press of New England, Hanover USA (1994)
EN-DEU06c Rainer Maria Rilke : Sonnets to Orpheus ( MD Herter Norton) (New York 1942-1992)

EN04 Jacob Rihosek - The Changing Face of the Czech Republic (Hoddert Wayland 2004)
EN04c Jack K Roach/ Janet K Roach (editors) : Poverty
EN02 Alexander Ramati : And the violins stopped playing
EN05 Herbert Read : The Meaning of Art
EN01 Arthur Ransome - Pigeon Post (1936)
EN01 Ruth Rendell - Simisola (1994)


EN05 Rowena Smith : Celtic Art
EN01 Robert Sabatier : the Matchboy - (les alumettes suedoises)
EN05a Richard Scarry : Busiest People ever
EN01 Anna Sewell - Black Beauty
EN02c Muriel Spark - The Go-Away Bird and other Stories
EN08 William Shakespeare: The Winter's Tale
EN04 William Shawcross - Dubcek and Czechoslovakia 1918-1990)
DEU01 Johann Sklenka: Glaubwürdiges und Unglaubwürdiges aus dem Alltag
DEU01 Theodor Storm - Immensee
DEU01 Theodor Storm - der Schimmelreiter (1874)
EN04 Jesus Ben Sirach - Book of Wisdom
EN01 Alexandr Solzhenitsyn : One day in the life of Ivan Denisovitch
EN04 Alexandr Solzhenitsyn: One Word of Truth (The Nobel Speech)
FRA02c Sabine Malpach - En Fuite, contes du Désert de France
FRA04 Frédéric Sudre - Droit international et européen des droits de l'Homme
Ulster05 Philip and Heather Saunders - Guid Wittins Frae Doctèr Luik (Luke's Gospel)
EN01a Johanna Spyri - Heidi, illustrated by Jenny Thorne
EN05ab G.O. Simms editor - The Book of Kells (1961) fac-similés and notes
EN04 Edward W. Said - Orientalism (1978)
EN04b Rob Sherwood and Peter Machan - Made in Sheffield (1986)


EN05a Pamela Todd / Ian Penney : Forget-Me-Not a Floral Treasury (1993)
EN05 Elizabeth Tucker: English Spelling Essentials
EN04 Paul Tabori : Epitaph for Europe (1942)
EN04 Alice Taylor : Quench the Lamp
EN01 Robert Traver (real name John D Voelker) : Anatomy of a murder
EN04 William Travis - Bus-stop Symi (1970)
EN01 Leo Tolstoy - War and Peace (1865-1869)
EN02 Leo Tolstoy - How much Land does a Man need?
EN04 Colm Tóibín - The Irish Famine (1998)
EN02 Colm Tóibin - The Heather Blazing
EN02 Rose Tremain : Smithy
EN02 Rose Tremain - The Closing Door
FR01 Ivan Tourgueniev - Pères et fils
EN05 Ed Tadem - 50 Things to Draw


EN05a - United Nations - Nations Unies Déclaration Universelle des Droits de l'Homme illustrated by Jean Michel Folon
EN02c John Updike - Friends from Philadelphia and Other Stories.


EN-CZE05b Gabriela Veselá - Franz Kafka a Praha/Franz Kafka in Prague (Ctibor Rybár Verlag, Praha 1991 photos František Přeučil
EN02c Roy Vickers - The Sole Survivor / The Kynsard Affair (1952)


EN01 EN02c EN08c EN03c Oscar Wilde : The Complete Works
EN04 Francis Wheen : How mumbo-jumbo conquered the world
EN05 Wider Circle Publications : The Sky before the storm
EN01 Franz Werfel -Song of Bernadette 1945(Das Lied von Bernadette)Ludwig Lewisohn
EN01 Keith Waterhouse : Billy Liar
EN06c Mogg Williams : Mogg's People
EN04 Nicholas Wollaston : Red Rumba
EN05 Martin Walters and Michael Lavelle - Wild Flowers & Flora of the World


EN04 Adeline Yen Mah : Watching the Tree
EN06abc William B Yeats: Yeats' Ireland - an illustrated anthology (edited by John Gregory)


EN02 Stefan Zweig : - The Invisible Collection
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